Saturday 24 December 2011

A post about making a post

YAY! Its finally Christmas, presents are under the tree, food is nearly ready, now all i have to do is help around and wait till 4 pm for everyone to come so we can eat all the food and then the best part of the day....OPENING THE PRESENTS!!! Yeah you might think that presents ain't the most important, you might say that being with your family is and sharing the love like some Africans cant do, we should help others and feel the Christmas spirit, well......I'm in the UK and i don't have the problems some people have, well i got my own like (should i play this game or should i go for this girl in School days VN or this girl, what will happen omg?) you know i don't get the type of questions like, "should i eat this rice now or save it for later in case i might starve" i do hope that all the poor and the homeless get some nice and warm comfy place for this Christmas, i wouldn't mind inviting everyone over so if you want to come by mail me :P.

But yeah as you can tell by the name this is a short post about me making a post later, its Christmas, food is near, presents as well, i cant be sitting in my room writing another long Blog post as i need to help around see ^^' i have to say though that i Played School days VN last night, well tonight because i played it till 6 am, (1:23pm currently) but yeah, its a good way, i love it, ill talk more about that later, maybe about the presents i got as well, but yeah my next post will be here tonight after i eat and open up the presents, ill be amazingly happy at the time so my post will be very long and positive i bet, and to do with Anime and VN of course, got some cool new news on a new VN being in production by Type-Moon, the makers of things like Fate/night etc. The animation is amazing, never saw anything like it, ahh ill tease you with a pick anyway, she looks lovely doesn't she? just my type, i don't like the big boobed air head, i prefer the small oppai smart, quiet girls ^^'

Shes lovely isnt she, and the art/animation is stunning, well now i know what ill make my new post about, it will be about this upcoming Visual novel and Type-moons previous work. Don't explode while waiting though, i know its nice news but you can wait another hmm, 4-5 hours haha, that's it for the post about a post, C-U~, the new post will be here soon, cant wait, now time to help in preparation! ohh and


Friday 23 December 2011

School days

Ahhh you can smell Christmas like its just around the corner.....well that's because it is! I cant wait and i can bet than nor can you, you are probably already dressed in your amazing fancy clothes with a Candy stick in your hand that you got of some stranger and are standing next to the Christmas tree shouting "Presents appear now!". Now ok maybe this isn't the exact image of what you are doing but cmon i was close right? :P I was thinking if i should do a Christmas post today or tomorrow and i decided too do one......tomorrow -.- closer to Christmas isn't it? plus i didnt know what to write about today yet so i decided to do a School days Christmas special (yes it will be a bit christmasy nevertheless), usually i get some kind of hint or idea while going through the day on what to write, like yesterday, i got back into Visual novels so i wrote about that, now it is only 3:33 pm here (15:33) but i wanted to write a post now and decided to do one on School days as it is the Visual novel i am downloading right now (again -.-), yes i say again as i have downloaded it before but as i moved laptops it has vanished and i have to get it again.

Look at this picture, looks so lovely doesn't it? A story about a guy and 4 girls from his school, life, drama, romance, lovely and amazing moments, all very touching and heart warming, some comedy in it i bet, you can see the sun shining through and everyone is smiling, it has to be lovely doesn't it? well you are fu*kin wrong! This anime is a twister brain fu*k that suck your soul and makes your brain and heart rot with every second of it showed, it lures you in making you think that its something nice, a light hearted Harem in which the protagonist might have some problems and funny moments with the girl characters, have a good time, a laugh and then it ends, Fu*k no, wrong again, the only episode that is like that is episode 1, everything is fine until the main character doesn't get full of himself and starts Fu*king everything that moves, i wouldn't be surprised if one of the parts would be of him shagging a random cat on the street or some old lady in the middle of the road seducing her by saying that he will help her get across the road, more like he will go across her ASS.

I mean look at this, if you like this one girl yeah and well there is this other girl that offers to help you to get to know that other girl yeah, but then that girl that is helping you starts liking you what do you do? Ahh well if you follow Makoto's Guide to be a total di*k all you have to do is Fu*ck her, then Fu*k the girl you like and then Fu*k all the other girls that are left, simple isn't it? haha i knew you would like this idea, i mean who else wouldn't do that? a perfect plan, fu*k every girl and and all of them would be happy. Well he is Fu*kin sick in the head, at least have the decency to invite all the girls to an Orgy and Fu*k them all there yeah? that would be better don't you think, i mean this anime/vn is Fu*ked up in the first place anyway so even that would be better. Ok now that you know that this is about Makoto (the protagonist) and girls in his class, he likes one girl, the other helps him, but likes him as well etc. if you decide to be a D*ck in the VN then you get killed, in the Anime he gets killed anyway because he Fu*ks everyone, he gets stabbed and his head gets cut off, amazing ain't it? well no wonder, if you act like him you are just asking for a knife in the stomach.

Cmon! who wouldn't Fu*k these two knowing that their feelings will get hurt, i mean its not like they can do anything to you, ahh an those weapons in their hands? they just there for a show, of course, not like a high-school girl can go and kill you, who does that yeah don't worry if you are thinking of Fu*king more than one girl, you will be fine :P.

Now in the Anime it ends with Makoto getting killed (wow, i would of never guessed) but in the VN thre is 21 endings, yes 21 -.- not only is School days Fu*ked up but the amount of endings is as well, and the funny thing is that 15 of those endings are good -.- wow good endings!? you got to be kidding, well I'm not, there is 15 good endings, actually there is only 3 endings in which someone dies, me and my friend Davido la Cortentino got into this stuff a lot, and we even got an ending assigned to each of us.

Ill start of with Davidos endings, enjoy:

Ahhh what a great ending, A beach, A sunset, And an amazing girl.....with a knife! Surprise Motherfu*ker! You are officially DEAD haha. Yep that is the ending, Makoto meets his girl on the beach, of course shes hurt because of his Actions as i would call them, and boom, she stabs him, then Makotowowowow Makoto, slow down their Mate, of course you need a wash after sleeping with so many girls but you got the Ocean right next to you, jump right in! the water is probably the right temperature, then at the end he says that he still loves her... now wait a sec!? he fuck all these other girls after getting her pregnant, hurts her and makes her kill him and then he says that he still loves her, Davido boy, i got to say you are one fu*ked up man, and good for you, im sooo proud  that i wouldn't mind kidnapping 6 girls and letting you ra*e them all, AMEN BROTHER!. Ok now onto my ending, Davido picked this one for me and i think it suits me well enough.


Now my ending is a bit different, i mean its still Fu*ked up but Makoto doesn't die in this one, its more like, im minding my own business with the girls of my dreams (but rememebr i still fu*ked all the other girls and hurt their feelings leaving them to be afterwards) and while waiting for a train by lovely GF gets pushed under the train leaving me with just her hand  (i guess the hand is still enough for Makoto to Je*k his Di*k of with it because hes that sick but its still not the same is it?) a weird ending, i guess they arrested her after that? i mean its not like all the people around them didnt see her push Makotos GF under the train -.-. But yeah i got a bit off track, overall the Visual novel is like a visual novel, you have text and you read it, but instead of a slide-show of pictures you get videos, so its more like watching an anime thats why the game is 8 GB big, 15 GB for the HQ version, the Visual novel is 6 chapters, chapter 1-4 is already translated into English but 5-6 isn't, the translation team stopped translating this because they have actually teamed up with the Original Makers of this VN in japan and are working on translating the HQ version, it will be released in full English in Spring 2012! Yay, just before the world ends!

Well this is it for my post, hope you enjoyed it, don't know what my post tomorrow will be about but ill try making it very christmasy, maybe something to do with clannad or toradora, or i might find some Christmas episode from an anime or some OVA, or just do a post about the types of anime girls, i don't know yet but as  it is Christmas soon i present you with a nice christmasy picture for you peeps, you don't see many like this one in School days i assure you, so be grateful to me  さよなら >。< and C-U

Thursday 22 December 2011

Visual novel/Eroge........Come back!

Well,well,well, today's topic will be centred around Visual novels/Eroges, of course both are the same thing kind of as bot hare visual novels, but when you call a visual novel and eroge then it just means it has adult scenes in it xD meaning they are the better ones, of course not always better but i prefer to have some kind of a good conclusion after getting one of the girls in the game, yes i said game because they are games in a way, you might be thinking or asking yourself what visual novels are, or maybe you heard about them or even know what they are but never really gotten into them, well worry no more as today for some apparent reason i felt like getting back into them again and i thought that i might as well do a post about it.

Ok as we see on the picture above that's a starting screen, every visual novel has a different one but it always comes down to the basics of it having new game/start, continue, a screen with all the CG'S and music and exit then after that you go into the main game, now you might think that you will i don't know, go around killing people with a hatchet or free roam towns, but as the name says its like a Novel, you read a lot but have visuals with it, here is an example of an in game pic.

Now this is what the whole game pretty much looks like in most cases, this pic is taken from one of my favourite Visual novels "Clannad", we mentioned the anime version in the "WTF is!?! Anime" post, as you can see you get a date in the top left corner of the screen which helps you in.....well in knowing what date it is, now you might think "why the heck to i need to know what date it is" well in visual novels you read text most of the time and enjoy the amazing stories they bring you, but once in a while you reach a point in which you need to make a "decision" now visual novels are massive, you might think that it will take you a few hours to finish, well you are wrong, it takes 100+ hours to even get close of getting everything for example in clannad, ill stick to this visual novel as for now, i played it a lot see, so yeah, it still makes my brain bleed when i think about it, you get dates, when you reach a decisions point its better to save then choose what you want, carry on with the dates and see what happens after that, you might think that you can get all the girls/endings if you save before every decision..... but that's wrong as well, every time you make a decision it changes the future decisions available to you as well, some might be the same but most change completely, so let me try to put this in an easy mode for you guys xD.

Here is a table showing an example using 3 girls, A.B and C, yeah i had to use A.B and C don't know why, probably because of stupid maths teachers always using letters....

OK so lets say you want to go for girl B first

days pass on ------> decision, now u can say yes or no for example, saying YES goes to A choosing No goes to C, now how to get to B? well you don't know so you have to save, now if you picked NO and went for C then you might be able to only get girl C while if you picked YES and went for A there was a chance for another branch of half way in the story arc which then lets you choose for example NO and branch of onto B from arc A while when picking YES leaves you on A, so if you saved before picking YES or NO at the beginning of everything it works, but if you saved after picking NO and going for C in hope that the next one branches you of into C or B you got it wrong now as the next branch of might be to either stay on C or go to freaking D.......-.- so while you might be on the same day, lets say 15th of May like in the picture above in both saves, the one in which you picked YES and went for A and the one you picked NO and went for C the  branching on that day will be different because you will either stay on A or go for B, or..... Stay on C or go for D, so in conclusion, for some of the branching to ever appear like for girl B you have to pick one of the other girls first, meaning the whole game is trial and error and some intuition of course and makes you save tons, i have around 150 saves for one of my VN's (VN= Visual Novel) and sometimes its even more of a brain f*ck when to get into an Arc of one of the girls you have to complete the game at least once (Looking at you Shuffle!) yes indeed, without knowing sh*t you have to first of all complete the game, then play again, get into one of the 4-5 girls and pick the right one to then get into a special day that lets you pick a different answer and go into the 6th girl that wasn't available the first time -.- God you need a lot of time for these games, maybe that's why i stopped playing them for a while haha, okfu*ked we should just move on xD. So now you know that visual novels are slides of pictures and a lot of text that you read while having options that you choose once in a while which then determines what arc/girl you go for and what ending you have, most visual novels have good/bad endings meaning there is tons of re-playability, to be honest you cant find games that have more xD you have to play this a lot to get all the endings, secrets etc, overall its amazingly fun, you get stories, you are the one that decides what girl you go for so if the anime that you watched pissed you off on what girl the main character chose then see if the anime started of with a VN and then you are in charge. Also every Visual novel has its own soundtrack which is amazing (usually) you unlock every song by playing the game and can listen them from the menu after, also CG, now what is CG? well when you play the game and are on girl A route, then on the way you will get very high quality pics of that girl in different situations, you unlock them then and they save in the Menu under each girl, so a lot of people play the game and try to unlock every CG for each girl ending up with 100%.

Now what made me write this post? Well i was playing MW3 (yes mw3 -.-) with my good friend Joseph P. Brenner (what does the P stand for?) stands for pus*y of course :P wait sh*t, got it confused, i mean David, yes that's the one whohoho. Ok so i was playing MW3 while playing Clannad visual novel songs on the microphone, then i talked to some people on otaku streamers and some wanted VN'S of me, then i remembered that i used to be the Visual Novel/Eroge master on OS and went of researching once again (i research for hours everyday, i might even make a post about it soon) and so i went on the website talking about translations for VN'S then saw that "Little Busters!" Translation is finally 100% complete, i also play untranslated ones using programs but its always better to have an English patch that has made 2-3 years to make xD the quality is better i assure you. So last night i downloaded Little busters! and the English patch and i will probably play it tonight (well more than that but ill just start tonight -.-) and for days to come.

Now there are 2 types of this Visual novel, you get the original "Little Busters!" which is an all ages version and then you have "Little Busters Ecstasy!" which has adult scenes in it which i think is a must have as it gives the feeling that you have achieved the maximum but that version isn't completely translated yet so ill play the original first.

Now in that picture you can see that Ecstasy is a bit different, you see that you get the whole original game but also extra scenes that go a bit further :P( didn't post more revealing ones/s*x ones because i thought it might be too much for you peeps xD) i might make a post soon as well about "Little Busters" so that i can review the VN more in depth for you people :P.

Ahh i almost forgot, if you never played a VN before, you should go play NOW! Good ones to start of with are Clannad/Kanon/Little busters, they all have English translations and are amazing. You know what? Ill post a link right in this post for the "Little Busters" visual novel and the English patch so you can enjoy it with me. Well this is it for this post i guess -.- iv typed a bit and i guess its a bit too much anyway. C-U~

Link to Game:

Link to English Patch:


Wednesday 21 December 2011

Toradora! OVA released today


OMG! i literally don't know what to say, Toradora OVA is coming out today and i only just found out -.-, iv been a fan of the series since 2009 when i first saw it, you could say that it was one of the many first animes i saw that was between 12-26 episodes long, Toradora was the one that led me to the light and got me interested in the more cliche anime that only Japanese know about and ones that get made a lot. Of course my first anime ever was Naruto -.- but that is one of the main-stream ones, without naruto i would of never got into anime, and thanks to Toradora i found out the ultimate amazing anime that not many know about. Now you might be asking yourself while scratching your **** (put anything in that part, not like i know what you might be scratching :P) what is Toradora, well if you don't know what Toradora is you should feel ashamed and Taiga will punish you accordingly *hehe* (yes I'm looking at you Gray haired beast).

"Taiga never thinks twice"

 But yeah Toradora is a romcom school life anime about a Boy Ryuji and a girl he meets Taiga, a lot of stuff happens between them and other friends but this post is supposed to be about the Ova coming out today isn't it? ahh I'm talking Bullsh*t again, at least its related to Toradora though :P.

"Ahh, the cast, Amazing >.<"

 So guess how i found out about the news? c'mon guess? no?! ok fine ill tell you then, i was walking down a street trying to dodge falling boulders from the houses around me (stupid neighbours) while trying to get to Spar so that i can buy an energy drink, so yeah i managed to dodge all the Boulders and got to the Spar entrance, suddenly some girl jumps out with weird cat ears and tail shouting "i finally found you master!" all i could so is stand and be shocked. Well after looking at her blankly for 5 minutes i finally bought my energy drink but what happens then!?!?! she snatches that drink of me and start running away towards a roundbout, by that time i had enough of this whole situation and the whole day that was only starting (it was 7 am, mega dark) so i finally catch up to her, we are in the middle of the roundbout looking like idiots, then she suddenly tells me, "have you forgotten about your favourite anime?" i was amazed she had the guts to even ask me such a stupid question after all shes done, she then suddenly fell on me kissing me in result, i was paralyzed, could not move an inch, she then took her lips away from mine and looked me in the eyes, i could feel my heart beat like crazy, everything around me slowed down and all my focus was based on her, she then whispered saying "Toradora OVA is coming out today bundled in a Blu-ray box set", yep, that's how i found out about this whole OVA thing, actually shes still here with me watching me as i write cmon, who would believe this sh*t?! Actually i was on my favourite anime website typing in the shoutbox to people, then i got someone asking when a Toradora ep will be out so i replied that it ended in 2009, then that person told me about an Ova being planned so i researched and found out that its true......puff huuf what an amazing story in comparison to the previous one isn't is -.-.  Well thats it for this post i guess, just wanted to say that i cant wait for the OVA, as it is only coming out today on blu-ray it probably wont be translated till tomorrow or the day after, i will make sure to post my thoughts on it when it does get released with English subs thought, i just hope its more about Ryuji and Taiga making out, there wasn't enough in the anime as it took a while to heat up if you know what i mean :P.

Well this is definitely the end now xD i will update as soon as i watch the Ova, as for now go watch the Series before i get angry :P.

"Peace from Taiga"

See, even Taiga is cheering for you :P C-U~

Tuesday 20 December 2011

WTF is?!.......Anime

Ahhhhhh, what is anime, what is anime? OMG what is anime............?!!? well fortunately i know and feel like starting of my routine of posts by this one, i am keeping this Blog dedicated mostly to anime which means starting with a post like this is only normal, well i guess anyway.

Ok then peeps, (yes peeps, a very informative and intellectual word to address people with) what is anime? well generally speaking Anime is a format of media which is usually shown on TV or DVD/blu-ray, it is a form of "Cartoon" as some Americans might say, although that term i will use very loosely as it is far from a Cartoon in most ways apart from the fact it is drawn. Anime originates from Japan and tbh most of it is made there, so generally speaking Anime = Cartoon, it has episodes that air on tv, it is drawn and it has some sort of a plot, now lets go more in depth with this. I decided to split this part into categories, i think its an easy and simple way of making the important parts stand out and so that it simple to understand. So first of all we have:

The Animation/Art:

The general conventions are kept the same but tbh this part depends solely on the Studio producing the Anime. But yeah the general Art style is the characteristic big eyes, long legs, thing bodies and either big or small oppai* (any word with a "*" next to them is to be found out by yourself, its like an Easter egg!) and long/short hair, although always in some weird colour like green,purple,pink,blue,blonde etc, rarely do you get black, here are some photos of different Studio arts, as you can see they usually stick to the main Character art convention but do stand out with their own type of art:

Lucky Star

This is a picture of the main characters from an anime called "Lucky Star", its a comedy/slice of life anime with no real plot or meaning, its just fun to watch, as if you didn't already notice they have long legs, they are thing, they have big eyes and coloured hair, but here is another image from a different anime which has all that but looks different in its own way.

Mirai Nikki

Here is a picture of the cast from the anime "Mirai Nikki", and again you can see all the cliché, but this time around the art style is more serious, its looks more detailed and actually pretty mysterious, both of the anime use the same principle do they not? but still are totally different in the way they look. Ok, "letsa goooo" to our last example as would Mario say.


OMG!! Its Clannad T_T don't even get me started on this anime, a masterpiece above masterpieces in the world of masterpieces, yes it is that good.........-.- but coming back to our topic, this is another anime this time around  made and published by "Key" you can see that the idea is again the same, you know big eyes, big...blah blah blah, you get the idea don't you? you can tell that they wanted to go all out and serious with this anime, none of that Lucky star B.S, not that i don't like it but its just not the type i fall for much, well you could say that when I'm in a wacky mood i don't mind watching all out weird comedy anime, but generally i go for anime like clannad, i sure will make a post on this anime later sometime, just probably not today as I'm really tired -.-, so yeah, Oyasumi minna......... WAIT!! I almost forgot *starts laughing while half asleep* we haven't finished this post have we? i only mentioned the art/visual representation of anime, we still have a few more things. Well the quicker i write this the quicker i can be sleeping i guess >.<. OK, LETS DO THIS!!!!

Next we will roughly talk about the way Anime is set, as we all know most "Cartoons" are "random" episodes of the main characters doing "random" things (yeah i used THAT word again -.-) well with Anime is different, this is one of the Major parts which i love. Every anime (well most) have a story, you know something that drives the whole show forward? well with Anime you get that story, and every episode is a continuation of the previous ep. meaning that anime has some MEANING! 0_o. Anime airs on TV usually once a week on a selected day and time by God knows who (we all know who though don't we :P) and it airs one episode a week like that until its finished, pretty simple heh? whats cool about it is that as it follows a story, you have something to wait for next week, they nearly always leave you with a cliff hanger on the end of every episode making you struggle through your whole shit*y week with different thoughts on your head messing with you, "what will happen next to this character?" "will they end up together?" "will he die?" etc.

Now most anime have a certain number of episodes don't they? it would be stupid to have a random number, well first of all it depends on what the show is, what its based on etc. for example from my perspective and research i have gathered using a quantum borbos generator information that show a fact that there is 3 main type of anime "lengths" depending on different variables. We have the:

"One piece"

Anime usually based on a long running series of Manga, these type of animes usually reach over 200 episodes in lenght, just as a quick example we have Naruto, Bleach and One piece as the 3 main-stream long "Beasts".

Then we get the less main-stream but still pretty long anime, they are usually between 50-100 episodes in length, the three anime that come to my mind straight away are, Hayate no gotoku, Zero no tsukaima and Shakugan no shana ^^

"Hayate no gotoku"

And then we get (my favourite type) the shorter anime types, the ones only real Otaku* know about and well the residents of Japan as they are surrounded by this stuff, they are usually between 12-26 episodes in length and usually get more seasons that continue the story, most of the anime that are made every Season are 12-26 episodes in length, ones that come to my mind are things like Clannad, Toradora, Sora no otoshimono, Yosuga no sora, Mirai Nikki (which is mentioned before in this post) or Kimi ni Todoke. These names might not even ring a bell for you, its probably like talking to 50-cent about work and education, but do not worry, in my later posts i will post and review some of my favourite animes from the past while reviewing new on-going ones that I'm currently watching/will be watching :P. 

"Toradora, one of my all time favourites"

Now as you can see i could not be bothered to include all the pictures, i had to fiddle around enough as it is to get them the way they are so they should be enough xD.

Now we talked about the general ideas and conventions of Anime, i think i should stop with this post for now :P maybe add some more in the future, the only other things i could say is that in Japan they make sh*t loads of Anime products and merchandise of course based on these Animes, what else duhh? and well, the music/sound, every anime always gets its own soundtrack, some better some worse, some AMAZING some TERRIBLE but overall its great xD. Ahh yeah one more thing, the voice acting, they grab Japanese girls of the street and sometimes even use them for the boys voices (saves the costs) it is always in japanese and the female characters usually sound high pitched and cute, well it depends on the "Type" of character but i shall talk about that in another post :P as for now this is all for the "WTF is anime post" hope it helped you in one way or another and i sure do hope i will be able to show this to my kids when i grow older.......wait WTF am i talking about?! damn these tablets do make you write sh*t, well till next time peeps, C-U~~

I have decided to make a Blog

Now i don't really know why i have decided to make a blog, maybe its because its kind of like a Diary but kept on-line? well tbh its exactly that. Making a first post is kind of like your first kiss (or like in this situation 2) there is the pressure of writing good on one side while the "i cba" mode on the other both pushing from both sides making you get stuck in the middle.  As this my first post on a blog probably noone will read (not like i care, im doing it for myself) im just going to wright a few things im interested things and my views on this as you call it.

 First of all you might notice that i don't pay much attention to my spelling nor my grammar, and that's how my whole blog will be like, this is the Internet and i do not pay much attention for these kind of things on here, well except when I'm writing a letter... i don't know, to president Obama although even then i wouldn't pay much attention to it, who would? :P, you can read this right? well that's enough.

 I am just a teenage guy if u don't mind thinking that, i still take classes and someday maybe become someone, even if not big at least someone making enough money to sustain a family, overall I'm interested in Anime and games, and as i know tons about anime i will keep this Blog mostly to my anime needs of contemplating about different things as i usually do.

I came to realise that because i sometimes get into these emotional states when i start too think about a lot of things (yes thing, a lovely word to use), i usually then go of into these modes talking and asking everyone what they think, if this is right, why not this and why not like that and then. Now i will put all these things in my posts together with some of my daily/weekly things that happen, my life isn't exactly exciting so i will wright mostly about anime I'm watching, my views on them and some of the things that pop up as i watch them. Well that is all for my first "Introduction" post as i would call it, ill write more about Anime and a lot of questions  that arise from it that even maybe other people contemplate about, at least i hope so xD..............-.- its time to enjoy the rest of my day, C-U~