Tuesday 20 December 2011

WTF is?!.......Anime

Ahhhhhh, what is anime, what is anime? OMG what is anime............?!!? well fortunately i know and feel like starting of my routine of posts by this one, i am keeping this Blog dedicated mostly to anime which means starting with a post like this is only normal, well i guess anyway.

Ok then peeps, (yes peeps, a very informative and intellectual word to address people with) what is anime? well generally speaking Anime is a format of media which is usually shown on TV or DVD/blu-ray, it is a form of "Cartoon" as some Americans might say, although that term i will use very loosely as it is far from a Cartoon in most ways apart from the fact it is drawn. Anime originates from Japan and tbh most of it is made there, so generally speaking Anime = Cartoon, it has episodes that air on tv, it is drawn and it has some sort of a plot, now lets go more in depth with this. I decided to split this part into categories, i think its an easy and simple way of making the important parts stand out and so that it simple to understand. So first of all we have:

The Animation/Art:

The general conventions are kept the same but tbh this part depends solely on the Studio producing the Anime. But yeah the general Art style is the characteristic big eyes, long legs, thing bodies and either big or small oppai* (any word with a "*" next to them is to be found out by yourself, its like an Easter egg!) and long/short hair, although always in some weird colour like green,purple,pink,blue,blonde etc, rarely do you get black, here are some photos of different Studio arts, as you can see they usually stick to the main Character art convention but do stand out with their own type of art:

Lucky Star

This is a picture of the main characters from an anime called "Lucky Star", its a comedy/slice of life anime with no real plot or meaning, its just fun to watch, as if you didn't already notice they have long legs, they are thing, they have big eyes and coloured hair, but here is another image from a different anime which has all that but looks different in its own way.

Mirai Nikki

Here is a picture of the cast from the anime "Mirai Nikki", and again you can see all the cliché, but this time around the art style is more serious, its looks more detailed and actually pretty mysterious, both of the anime use the same principle do they not? but still are totally different in the way they look. Ok, "letsa goooo" to our last example as would Mario say.


OMG!! Its Clannad T_T don't even get me started on this anime, a masterpiece above masterpieces in the world of masterpieces, yes it is that good.........-.- but coming back to our topic, this is another anime this time around  made and published by "Key" you can see that the idea is again the same, you know big eyes, big...blah blah blah, you get the idea don't you? you can tell that they wanted to go all out and serious with this anime, none of that Lucky star B.S, not that i don't like it but its just not the type i fall for much, well you could say that when I'm in a wacky mood i don't mind watching all out weird comedy anime, but generally i go for anime like clannad, i sure will make a post on this anime later sometime, just probably not today as I'm really tired -.-, so yeah, Oyasumi minna......... WAIT!! I almost forgot *starts laughing while half asleep* we haven't finished this post have we? i only mentioned the art/visual representation of anime, we still have a few more things. Well the quicker i write this the quicker i can be sleeping i guess >.<. OK, LETS DO THIS!!!!

Next we will roughly talk about the way Anime is set, as we all know most "Cartoons" are "random" episodes of the main characters doing "random" things (yeah i used THAT word again -.-) well with Anime is different, this is one of the Major parts which i love. Every anime (well most) have a story, you know something that drives the whole show forward? well with Anime you get that story, and every episode is a continuation of the previous ep. meaning that anime has some MEANING! 0_o. Anime airs on TV usually once a week on a selected day and time by God knows who (we all know who though don't we :P) and it airs one episode a week like that until its finished, pretty simple heh? whats cool about it is that as it follows a story, you have something to wait for next week, they nearly always leave you with a cliff hanger on the end of every episode making you struggle through your whole shit*y week with different thoughts on your head messing with you, "what will happen next to this character?" "will they end up together?" "will he die?" etc.

Now most anime have a certain number of episodes don't they? it would be stupid to have a random number, well first of all it depends on what the show is, what its based on etc. for example from my perspective and research i have gathered using a quantum borbos generator information that show a fact that there is 3 main type of anime "lengths" depending on different variables. We have the:

"One piece"

Anime usually based on a long running series of Manga, these type of animes usually reach over 200 episodes in lenght, just as a quick example we have Naruto, Bleach and One piece as the 3 main-stream long "Beasts".

Then we get the less main-stream but still pretty long anime, they are usually between 50-100 episodes in length, the three anime that come to my mind straight away are, Hayate no gotoku, Zero no tsukaima and Shakugan no shana ^^

"Hayate no gotoku"

And then we get (my favourite type) the shorter anime types, the ones only real Otaku* know about and well the residents of Japan as they are surrounded by this stuff, they are usually between 12-26 episodes in length and usually get more seasons that continue the story, most of the anime that are made every Season are 12-26 episodes in length, ones that come to my mind are things like Clannad, Toradora, Sora no otoshimono, Yosuga no sora, Mirai Nikki (which is mentioned before in this post) or Kimi ni Todoke. These names might not even ring a bell for you, its probably like talking to 50-cent about work and education, but do not worry, in my later posts i will post and review some of my favourite animes from the past while reviewing new on-going ones that I'm currently watching/will be watching :P. 

"Toradora, one of my all time favourites"

Now as you can see i could not be bothered to include all the pictures, i had to fiddle around enough as it is to get them the way they are so they should be enough xD.

Now we talked about the general ideas and conventions of Anime, i think i should stop with this post for now :P maybe add some more in the future, the only other things i could say is that in Japan they make sh*t loads of Anime products and merchandise of course based on these Animes, what else duhh? and well, the music/sound, every anime always gets its own soundtrack, some better some worse, some AMAZING some TERRIBLE but overall its great xD. Ahh yeah one more thing, the voice acting, they grab Japanese girls of the street and sometimes even use them for the boys voices (saves the costs) it is always in japanese and the female characters usually sound high pitched and cute, well it depends on the "Type" of character but i shall talk about that in another post :P as for now this is all for the "WTF is anime post" hope it helped you in one way or another and i sure do hope i will be able to show this to my kids when i grow older.......wait WTF am i talking about?! damn these tablets do make you write sh*t, well till next time peeps, C-U~~

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